Meta Robots Tag

The Meta Robots Tag is a piece of HTML code that is placed in the head section of a webpage to control how search engines crawl and index the page’s content. It is used to communicate to search engines which parts of a webpage should be crawled, indexed, or ignored.

The Meta Robots Tag consists of a series of directives that specify how search engines should treat different parts of a webpage. The most common directives are:

“robots”: This directive specifies whether a webpage should be crawled or not. A value of “index” means that the page should be crawled and indexed, while a value of “noindex” means that the page should not be crawled or indexed.
nofollow”: This directive specifies whether links on a webpage should be followed by search engines. A value of “nofollow” means that links on the page should not be followed, while a value of “follow” means that links should be followed.
“noodp”: This directive specifies whether a webpage’s content should be included in search engine results pages (SERPs). A value of “noodp” means that the page’s content should not be included in SERPs, while a value of “oodp” means that the page’s content should be included in SERPs.
“noydir”: This directive specifies whether a webpage’s content should be included in search engine directories. A value of “noydir” means that the page’s content should not be included in directories, while a value of “ydir” means that the page’s content should be included in directories.
Here’s an example of a Meta Robots Tag:

<meta name=”robots” content=”index, follow”>

This tag tells search engines that the webpage should be crawled and indexed, and that links on the page should be followed.

It’s important to note that the Meta Robots Tag is just a request to search engines, and not a guarantee that search engines will abide by the directives. Some search engines may still crawl and index parts of a webpage even if the Meta Robots Tag specifies otherwise. Additionally, the Meta Robots Tag does not affect how users interact with a webpage, it only affects how search engines crawl and index the page’s content.